How will Facebook's cable transform Africa?

In recent weeks, social media tech giant Facebook has announced that it is commencing a gigantic new ‘2Africa’ project to build a 37,000km (23,000-mile) undersea cable encircling the perimeter of Africa, which will deliver fast internet services to 16 of the continent’s countries

See the world from the comfort of your home

The COVID-19 pandemic has not only upended millions of people’s working lives, but it has also put paid to those other so-called ‘non-essential’ dimensions of life – such as comedy nights at the local, pub quizzes, holidays abroad, and attending much-anticipated big-name social events such as concerts. Or has it

How has social distancing transformed distance learning?

There are occasions in which a horrible crisis can yield hitherto unexpected and lasting benefits - and it seems as though the COVID-19 pandemic has already begun to do so by forcing an innovative rethink about the place of online distance learning in educational establishments

Beat the lockdown – how tech can help you to stay social

It has taken the COVID-19 pandemic and the home confinement it has brought for many of us to discover that while social media platforms are compulsively engaging, we really are social beings, after all – beings who yearn for real human camaraderie and a change of scene from our own living rooms when we’re deprived of both for extended periods

Why is Apple depending more on mini USB cables?

While it’s true that Apple appears to have ditched its earlier plans to replace its famous Lightning connector with the now-ubiquitous mini-USB (sometimes called Thunderbolt 3 or USB-C) on forthcoming iterations of its flagship iPhone, it certainly isn’t true of a range of other new products from the tech giant that are running the iOS operating system

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